Forsake Not the Assembling of Yourselves...Online?

Sorry for the lack of communication on here lately! As we attempt to navigate our new “normal” I have to admit that I hope that 1) it never becomes our new normal and 2) that we are not at this so long that we actually get good at it! That said, we have a few announcements we hope will be good news to you! 

Before I get to those, though, please know that we hear you - those of you who are tired of being told to isolate, to stay inside, to wear masks, to avoid people, to shop for only certain supplies, to avoid church gatherings…the list goes on! We can’t help with ALL of those things, but we can offer some relief at least in that last category. So here goes…

The elders and I will be working on a plan that allows us to regain some semblance of normalcy in the coming weeks. That will take some time and it will include a lot of precautions as well as limitations on how many we can open the building up to. But in the meantime, I just want to be more available to you in ways that don’t require a text or a phone call. I’m happy for technology when nothing else is available, but don’t want to limit us to that, even at a time when we understand that too much contact is not a good thing for the more vulnerable among us. 

So...I guess at this point you’re ready for me to just come out with it already?!? Alright then! Here it is: First...I want to establish a couple days a week (maybe more as needed) where we can offer limited Bible study / small groups at the church as an effort to not “forsake the assembling of ourselves together…” (Hebrews 10:25) Maybe we could even go “live” once in a while allow others who cannot be physically there to still “attend.” Watch for details to come out soon!

The other thing is this, particularly for our vulnerable, but not necessarily limited to them, I’d like to offer “Socially Distanced Porch Prayers.” So, if you are one who feels unsafe to be out in public or meeting at the church, maybe you wouldn’t mind your pastor coming to your porch to offer a listening ear for a few minutes and a time of prayer? If this is something you’d be interested in, just send an email to and we can work out a day and time to make that happen! 

God bless you all! You are loved!

Jeffrey Whittum