Ignite Christian Church

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Holy Week Happenings

Hey Ignite family!

Miss you all so much! These sure are weird times we are living in. I hope you’ve all been able to stay up to date through a combination of updates on the Facebook page, website, texts or messages. We’re doing our best to keep you all informed, but if we’ve missed you because you’re not on social media or other internet-based mediums, please let us know how best we can keep you up to date!

I wanted to give you a heads up of some things we have planned and some things we are working on for this week…this HOLY Week as we anticipate the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection!!!

First, as always, stay close to the information sources for late-breaking updates. In the meantime, here’s what we know:

  • We will be live streaming from our building this Sunday at the normal time (10:30 a.m.) for our Easter services!

  • Following the service, we plan to meet in a caravan at the church to drive a predefined route around town with messages of hope in Jesus and His resurrection on our cars. So be looking for easy-clean options for writing on your car windows to prepare for that. We will plan to leave around noon from the parking lot in a procession. Stay tuned for more to come on this!

  • Between now and then, we will be posting more regularly to the website and Facebook page to offer reflections on each of the days significant to Holy Week and what they mean to us as Christians. There is so much for us to be reflecting on this week - the most important week in the Christian calendar!

Join me in expecting God to do amazing things this week despite the circumstances being other than we would choose. His ways and His thoughts are higher than our! (Isaiah 55:8-9). Let’s trust that He knows what He is doing and that He will make much of this unique opportunity. In so many ways, I believe He already has!

As always, friends and family of Ignite, you are prayed for, you are cared for, and you are loved.

In Christ and for His Kingdom,

Pastor Jeff